Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hello dear friends!

Can I just say how much I miss yall and how sad I am that I couldn't make it to Dallas for Brookies bday! I have had a LOT of time on my hands with this whole surgery thing so I have been praying for you guys :) Hokay, so here's my update:

-for the first few days that I was home I got to spend some time with the whole fam, before Anna left for sky ranch, which was so great! Anna is super excited about camp and called me yesterday- her and Brooke are in the same group! She has already met a ton of people- and I'm feeling that this is such an answered prayer for her! (She had a bit of a rough-but good learning experience- for her freshman year)

-The next week I started my internship and HOLY COW I would looove to work for them after I graduate! On the very first day they asked me to write a press release about their 10 yr anniversary party (which I helped out with before school got out) and by the third day I asked if I could re-vamp the blog (it was literally black and white- so ug!) and they let me!
^There's the link- also the pictures on the latest blog entry are the ones I took from the party! So basically its a love fest between me and the Miracle Foundation.

-Buuuut my current situation kinda sucks, and I would love yalls prayers- I think most of yall know I had surgery last thursday and although everything went great the swelling has been terrible and I look like a Who!! But seriously.....we had some family friends over and their 5 year old daughter was like "Mom, she looks like Cindy from the Grinch!" hahaha. But the swelling has caused me to have awful chronic headaches and for the first two days I couldn't leave my bed. It's alot better now- still swollen, still can only eat soup and pudding, and still have headaches- but I can walk around now and can talk on the phone (hint hint ;) But it's so crazy how through this I have felt sooooo blessed. My parents have been so incredibly patient, family friends have come over just to pray for me and watch a movie, and friends have been calling and praying and making me feel so loved. This is me making a "Kenzie-sad-face" haha
-Another huge bummer which I don't think I have informed everyone about is that because of the condition of my gums and bone above my teeth (it's really technical basically, not because my teeth aren't straight-yeah I don't really get it) I have to have braces for 6 months.... although it's not the end of the world, and I know that this is all apart of the Lords plan (I'm guessing a lesson in humility...haha) it still sucks. Senior year, really? I will be getting them in a month or so and I think I will be coming to cstat the weekend before- we should all meet up and have a gum chewing, laffy taffy eating, bar-hop-before-I-look-too-young-to-get-into-bars party!! Yeah?

Welp, that's all my news for now (sorry its so long!!) but I LOVE YALL and miss you guys dearly. I'm loving this idea! Again, props brooke and bg. Yall are the greatest!

"...encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sins decietfulness." Hebrews 3:13

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